"Terra Invadida", Experiences in Geosites in Cariri/CE


  • Juliana Lima Universidade Regional do Cariri, URCA, Craco, Ceará, Brasil,
  • Raimundo Kleberson de Oliveira Benício Universidade Regional do Cariri, URCA, Craco, Ceará, Brasil,



The present work is a sharing of the research of Scientific Initiation X (2022), developed at the Regional University of Cariri - URCA, which aimed to investigate the corporeal relations of the body with the environment. For that, we were inspired by the Ecoperformance genre when looking for issues of environmental ecology as a support for body investigation, mainly due to socio-environmental issues. As methodologies, we carried out field experiences, mediation meetings and bibliographical readings. In the experiences, we carried out body investigations in spaces of the geosites of Geopark Araripe, located in the interior of Ceará, such as: Sítio do Fundão, located in the city of Crato/CE. The Santo Sepulcro trail located in Horto, and Sítio do Naldo da Granja, both in Juazeiro do Norte/CE. Such investigations culminated in the creation of the ecovideo performances, Terra Invadida and Terra Santa (2022).



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How to Cite

LIMA, J.; KLEBERSON DE OLIVEIRA BENÍCIO, R. PERFORMATIVE ECOBODY: "Terra Invadida", Experiences in Geosites in Cariri/CE. Art on Stage Journal, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 298–323, 2023. DOI: 10.5216/ac.v9i1.75706. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.