About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Arte da Cena (Art on Stage) journal sees the possibility of dialogic integration among the scene study fields as a conceptual starting-point, regarding the increasing use of the concept “arts of the scene”, in Brazilian research centers devoted to the open study of the scene sphere. The intended dialogic integration arises from an intersection principle, i.e., from the contact points that establish a correlation among experiences, without disregarding differences. This conceptual intersection core can be well represented by the Greek word OPSIS, reasserting the concrete experience of the scene as the reference axis of scene studies. On the other hand, the scene is understood as an open field, capable of comprising varied elements (color, light, space, body, sound, object, movement, word) in its ceremonial logic. This perspective prizes studies and professionals formerly little valued, such as those dedicated to the visual composition of a spectacle (scenography, costume, lighting, sound), being also open to new perspectives of the classic model: body-object, actor-spectator, staging-choreography. Thus, it circumscribes a heterogeneous field, capable of integrating scenic diversities, according to a principle of exception: the scene as an axis.

Peer Review Process

Only original and unpublished scientific articles may be submitted, and they must focus on problems and challenges close related to experiences and reflections on the various components of the scene sphere: its plurality, limits and discourses, under an artistic theoretical and/or practical point of view.

Manuscripts destined to the sections Essays (opinion articles and artistic reflections that do not fit in academic parameters, but bring meaningful contributions to the wide “arts of the scene” universe), Review Articles (articles on the state of the art, under specific approaches or aspects of the “arts of the scene” sphere), Interviews and Lectures (written and/or audiovisual interviews and lectures), Diary of the Set (remarks on experiences and reflections about the creation process of the spectacle: from the actor preparation to the staging conceptions and scene visualities, in their several possibilities) and Workshop on Scenic Construction (methods, techniques and didactic processes of creation and making of various kinds of materials and objects that characterize the space and actors) are only published at the request of the Editorial Board. If you would like to publish in these sections, please contact the Editorial Board.

The system initially sends an e-mail to the correspondent author, acknowledging the manuscript submission and generating a protocol number. The editorial review process will only begin if the manuscript obeys all the established norms. Otherwise, papers will be returned for corrections.

Papers in accordance with the Author Guidelines section will be analyzed by the Editorial Board, which will decide if the editorial process will continue or not. For that, their content and theme will be examined, as well as their degree of interest to potential readers.

Papers approved by the Editorial Board will have their scientific value assessed by double blind peer reviewers, here named ad hoc consultants or referees, who, after analyzing the manuscript, within four weeks, will recommended or not its publication. If one referee is favorable to publish it, while the other is not, then a third reviewer is invited to analyze it. In this process, authors’ identities will not be revealed to peer reviewers and vice versa, but, if a conflict of interest is identified (any impediment to an unbiased evaluation), the referee is requested to return the manuscript to the Editor, expressing the impossibility of analyzing it.

If there is a predominance of favorable reports, the decision is for publishing the paper. However, that will only happen provided the editorial or technical recommendations be accepted or properly justified within thirty days, otherwise, the paper will be discarded.

After going through language checking and desktop publishing, a copy is sent to authors for proofreading, which must take place within five working days.

Open Access Policy

The access to the articles published by this journal is free and its Editorial Board not only authorizes, but also encourages their reproduction, as long as the source is cited.

Publication Frequency

Arte da Cena (Art on Stage) is an electronic journal published biannually (June and December) by the Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás (EMAC/UFG), Brazil.