Um futuro fantástico?


  • Shane Pike Queensland University of Technology, QUT, Brisbane, Austrália, shane.pike@qut.edu.au




Este artigo discute o lugar da tecnologia no teatro como uma ferramenta potencial para abordar algumas das questionáveis práticas ecológicas inerentes ao fazer teatral tradicional. Com foco na realidade aumentada e/ou virtual (AR/VR), o artigo postula alguns potenciais e algumas armadilhas ao abraçar as tecnologias como componentes integrais do desenvolvimento narrativo e apresentação da performance. As tensões entre arte e tecnologia em sua incorporação às práticas teatrais criativas são discutidas, particularmente à luz da tendência da tecnologia em favorecer a pré-gravação em contraste com a vivacidade necessária do evento dramático teatral.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Shane Pike, Queensland University of Technology, QUT, Brisbane, Austrália, shane.pike@qut.edu.au

Dr Pike is a Senior Lecturer in Drama at the Queensland University of Technology. He is also a practicing writer/director with an emerging authority in digital dramaturgy and designing augmented reality experiences for live performance. A graduate of the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) with a PhD in Directing and Actor Training, for which he received an Edith Cowan University Research Excellence Award. Several of his dramatic works have been published by Playlab, including the play "Nineteen", which received competitive funding from Arts Queensland for its world premiere at Brisbane Powerhouse. Recent works in collaboration with the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, designed as arts-based therapeutic interventions for young people with eating disorders, have been supported with grants from the IHBI Synergy scheme and the Don Batchelor Award for innovation in performance practice. Shane collaborates regularly with the Brazilian company Taanteatro Companhia and is one of only two artists in Australia trained in their Theatre of Tensions method for performance making. This informs both his practice and teaching across the Drama, Acting and BCI disciplines at QUT. In addition to his PhD in Performing Arts from WAAPA, Shane also has a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Drama Honours), a Bachelor of Laws and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, all from the Australian National University, and a Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Theatre) from the University of Tasmania.


ARFARA, Katia; MANCEWICZ, Aneta, and REMSHARDT, Ralf. Intermedial Performance and Politics in the Public Sphere (Avant-Gardes in Performance). 1st edition. New York: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND. (2022). Accessed 20 April, 2023. https://pointone-epos.co.uk/how-to-make-theatres-more-sustainable/

BROWN, John. What is Theatre? 1st edition. Abingdon: Routledge, 2013.

BUCHER, John K. Storytelling for virtual reality: methods and principles for crafting immersive narratives. New York and London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2018.

CHAPPLE, Freda, and KATTENBELT, Chiel. Intermediality in theatre and performance (Themes in theatre. Collective approaches to theatre and performance 2) 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006.

MEYER, Bohse, and SOFIE, Rebekka. The expansion of scenography in virtual reality theatre: investigating the potential of double scenography in Makropol's Anthropia. Theatre and performance design 6 (4):321-340. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23322551.2020.1854929




Como Citar

PIKE, S. TEATRO E TECNOLOGIA: Um futuro fantástico?. Arte da Cena (Art on Stage), Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 195–208, 2023. DOI: 10.5216/ac.v9i1.78046. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/artce/article/view/78046. Acesso em: 18 dez. 2024.