This essay analyses the appropriations of African and Afro-Brazilians visual arts works in the teaching of art in basic levels of education in the city of Curitiba, considering the guidelines of the federal law 10.639/2003. It argues about the meanings and discourses given by teachers from the ways of seeing the images. It finds a racialized visuality in pedagogical practices, which could be seen in group interviews using images relevant to the theme. It reveals the permanence of negative stereotypes about the black race and shows an insecurity in teaching and an emergent demand of qualification and research for a teaching practice in favor of this thematic




Law 10.639/2003, Art Education, Racialized Visualities


This essay analyses the appropriations of African and Afro-Brazilians visual arts works in the teaching of art in basic levels of education in the city of Curitiba, considering the guidelines of the federal law 10.639/2003. It argues about the meanings and discourses given by teachers from the ways of seeing the images. It finds a racialized visuality in pedagogical practices, which could be seen in group interviews using images relevant to the theme. It reveals the permanence of negative stereotypes about the black race and shows an insecurity in teaching and an emergent demand of qualification and research for a teaching practice in favor of this thematic.


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How to Cite

TROVÃO, F. F.; SILVA, R. This essay analyses the appropriations of African and Afro-Brazilians visual arts works in the teaching of art in basic levels of education in the city of Curitiba, considering the guidelines of the federal law 10.639/2003. It argues about the meanings and discourses given by teachers from the ways of seeing the images. It finds a racialized visuality in pedagogical practices, which could be seen in group interviews using images relevant to the theme. It reveals the permanence of negative stereotypes about the black race and shows an insecurity in teaching and an emergent demand of qualification and research for a teaching practice in favor of this thematic. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 19, 2022. DOI: 10.5216/v.v19.60850. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


