Discursive markers in Brazilian sign language
Discursive markers. Libras. First and second language.Abstract
The discourse markers of the Brazilian Sign Language are linguistic mechanisms used in the signalized expression and may have textual, interactional or discursive accompaniment function. Based mainly on Risso (1996) and McNeill (1992), we study this phenomenon using data from a narrative told by deaf graduates (for whom Libras is the first language) and hearing students (who use Libras as second language) of the degree course in Libras. Our objective was to describe the discourse markers present in the narrative and to analyze similarities and differences in relation to the production in the first and second languages. Our results point to a similar use between deaf and hearing students in what concerns textual and interactional discourse markers. However, when more refined resources, such as gestures, are used, the mechanism is more present in the narrative told by deaf people in their first language.
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