Etnoconservação urbana

uma abordagem baseada em valores para a gestão da Paisagem Cultural Carioca


  • Alda Ferreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Conservation Management, Urban ethnoconservation, Urban ambiences


In 2012, the site of the City of Rio de Janeiro received the title of Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, as Cultural Landscape, thus becoming the first in the world in this category located in urban areas. It is understood that new procedures for conservation management are needed to address its complexity. Thus, the urban ethnoconservation approach was developed, based on the understanding of the sociocultural relations of appropriation of the communities that experience the protected space, to provide sustainable use and the conservation of the cultural meaning of the place. The objective is, therefore, to develop guidelines for the urban ethnoconservation of the Carioca Cultural Landscape, from an integrated and sustainable perspective. It is based on a value-based conservation management model and the methodology is supported by the understanding of urban environments, to apprehend the social values attributed by the interest groups, and, consequently, the cultural significance of the site. The relevance lies in collaborating with heritage policies committed to retaining the cultural meaning of heritage sites, generating economic, cultural, environmental and social benefits for the city, with a view to preserving the Outstanding Universal Value.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, A. Etnoconservação urbana: uma abordagem baseada em valores para a gestão da Paisagem Cultural Carioca. Jatobá Journal, Goiânia, v. 3, 2021. DOI: 10.54686/revjat.v3i.71872. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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