De Mercado Municipal Vila Operária a Mercado Municipal Centro-Oeste

tempo, história e arquitetura




Public Markets. Cultural Heritage. Vila Operária Market. Centro-Oeste Market. Goiânia.


: This paper deals with public markets – places of exchange of long historical term – in the field of theory, history and criticism of Architecture and Urbanism. It brings the discussion of the case of the Centro-Oeste Market, one of the three first supply warehouses when the new capital of Goiás was still being shaped. Although the fair and the market in the former Vila Operária had an important role linked to the supply and, above all, to the social relations they fostered in the region, the old market building is underused and goes through an accelerated degradation process. The condition of invisibility underscores the importance of its documentation and the recovery of its history. To achieve this aim, this paper was based on documentary research and in loco surveys, with a brief approach of the history of public markets with emphasis on the history of the formation of Goiânia, its popular neighborhoods, specially the Centro-Oeste district, previously called Vila Oparária. The Centro-Oeste Market, an important landmark of this neighborhood, is analysed in terms of its urban insertion and of the counterpoint of the original use and its present state. Thus, the documentation and morphology, both of the market and of the region it is placed in, have interest. As contributions, it is expected to give visibility to the neighborhood and to the market, to demonstrate its potential based on its original values and of the possible complementary uses that would  integrate it in the dynamics of the contemporary city.


Key-Words: Public Markets. Cultural Heritage. Vila Operária Market. Centro-Oeste Market. Goiânia.


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How to Cite

MAHLER, C. R.; MELLO, F. A. O. . De Mercado Municipal Vila Operária a Mercado Municipal Centro-Oeste: tempo, história e arquitetura . Jatobá Journal, Goiânia, v. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.54686/revjat.v2i.65709. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


