Prevention of the presence of humidity in masonry
Pathologies, Moisture, Infiltrations, Tightness, WaterproofingAbstract
ABSTRACT: Brazilian standards do not require a project elaboration and technical responsibility for waterproofing (watertightness) for single-family buildings and it follows that in these houses’ prevention of the presence of moisture in the masonry from the ground is not done in an integrated manner. This study addresses the inherent moisture of the soil and accidental leaks from the plumbing systems that can, directly or indirectly, reach the masonry and raise the humidity of the internal environment, with negative consequences for the concrete, masonry, furniture and the health of the occupants causing diseases such as asthma and rhinitis caused by fungi and aero allergenic viruses that find conditions conducive to reproduction and dissemination in humid environments. In this paper we identify critical points between concrete-soil and concrete - plumbing system interface; and addresses the advantages of investing in prevention in pathological manifestations in the post-work. Measures are proposed to increase the watertightness of the foundation with use of chemical waterproofing, asphalt blanket and complements with ventilation and mechanical protection in the fittings of the plumbing system to the concrete of the foundation.
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