Evaluation of the excentricity effect between the medium plan of the plate and the longitudinal axis of the beam in the analysis of a usual floor building in reinforced concrete
Reinforced concrete floor, Structural analysis, Beam-plate eccentricity, Shear deformation, Shear deformation; Finite Element MethodAbstract
ABSTRACT: The development of science and the availability of technological resources allow us to model the behavior of structures in a more precise and realistic way. Within this context, with the increase in the processing capacity of computers and the improvement of modeling techniques, numerical simulations represent an attractive alternative for Structural Engineering. In this sense, the present work aims to analyze the influence of the eccentricity between the middle plane of the plate (slab) and the longitudinal axis of the beam in a usual reinforced concrete floor. For that, numerical simulations are carried out based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) with the ANSYS® software version 19.2. Even in the modeling of the structure, finite elements are used that allow the consideration of the effects of shear force deformation. In order to better study the effect of eccentricity, which is commonly disregarded in the simplified models used for floor analysis, different mechanical models are considered in the analyzes and the results are compared (displacements, stresses and internal forces). It is evident that the consideration of the eccentricity influences the response of the structure. The results obtained contribute in order to provide subsidies for designers to model more consistently the behavior of reinforced concrete structures.
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