Massive, Treated and Ribbed Slabs: Comparative Analysis




Slab, Massive, Ribbed, Trellised, Comparison


ABSTRACT: In civil construction, each project has its peculiarities, so it is important to know the variables of the structural elements in order to reduce costs, increase safety and make the work feasible. In reinforced concrete constructions, the most used slabs are those of the truss type, massive and ribbed. This article presents a comparative study between these three types of slabs. The factors analyzed were the weight, amount of steel and quantity of concrete according to the type of slab and the dimensions closest to those used in residential works. The main norms for these structural elements are NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014), NBR 6120 (ABNT, 1980) and NBR 14859-1 (ABNT, 2002), respectively, for reinforced concrete, overloads in buildings and pre- manufactured. To obtain the geometric dimensions, pre-sizing was done using the procedures of the referenced bibliographies. The structural analysis was done analytically with the aid of Microsoft Excel®. The necessary checks were performed according to NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014). At the end, the results of weight, quantity of steel and volume of concrete were compared. In general, it has become apparent that the latticed slab has a greater advantage than the others.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES COELHO DE MOURA, T. Massive, Treated and Ribbed Slabs: Comparative Analysis. REEC - Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil, Goiânia, v. 19, n. 1, p. 194–209, 2023. DOI: 10.5216/reec.v19i1.57832. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.