Study of soil, phosphogypsum and bentonite mixtures collapse for use in hydraulic barrier layer
Bentonite, Hydraulic Barrier, Collapse, Dispersion, PhosphogypsumAbstract
ABSTRACT: The use of phosphogypsum and bentonite in tropical soils stabilization, aiming at the use in hydraulic barriers, has been studied, and the results of permeability, compatibility and resistance have been promising, but there are no studies about collapse potential of these materials. Therefore, the objective of this study is to verify the collapse potential of tropical soil, phosphogypsum and bentonite mixtures for application in hydraulic barriers. In order to get it, double oedometric tests were carried out in compacted samples at optimum water content on soil’s samples, soil+phosphopgypsum, soil+phosphopgypsum+bentonite (6%) and soil+phosphosgypsum+bentonite (9%). Chemical dispersion tests were carried out with water, NaCl, NaOH, alcohol and HNO3, representing scenarios of contamination by solutions acidic, basic, salts and alcohols. The results of the oedometric tests show that the soil and the mixtures have not collapsed. In addition, the mixtures studied showed similar and smaller deformations when compared to other types of recycled materials. The dispersion test showed that the addition of chemical stabilizers reduces the dispersion of particles in aqueous medium. No significant structural changes were observed in samples flooded with NaCl and ethanol solutions. However, under NaOH and HNO3 flood conditions, the mixtures do not perform satisfactorily. Therefore, the use of these mixtures in hydraulic barriers is not recommended when the percolating fluid is an acid or base, especially in the presence of sodium.
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