

  • Conselho Editorial




This journal is completing 40 years of existence, with non interrupted publication, what may be actually seen as a success for the mean age of Latin American journals. This continuity may be due to several factors, apart from the dedication during this time of their three editors. Among others, the involvement of the Institution (University) and lately the national public agencies that fund research in Brazil, particularly CNPq and CAPES. Recently (2003) a joint venture with the Brazilian Society for Parasitology, recognized this journal as their official journal, which has also contributed for higher visibility. In association with the Pan-American Health Organization, a series of thematic supplements were published, in particular the series of annual reports of the network for surveillance of antibiotic resistance in the Americas. The trimestral periodicity from 2008 on, has been maintained regularly, with the circulation date on the following month of the respective period. Printed copies have been reduced for cost reasons and considering the international trend in the main access to research articles through the internet.

The inclusion of all published articles on the last five years on-line, are easily accessed on three home-pages, the one of the Institute (www.iptsp.ufg.br), the University site (www.revistas.ufg.br) and the site of the Brazilian Society for Parasitology (www.parasitologia.org.br). The free access visits have been growing in an exponential way.

We will also include briefly the doi identifier, which will allow to recover our articles easily, even before they are formally published. We would like to note that all printed material will be progressively on line.

Finally, we would like to inform that, following a recent meeting of the editorial board, some procedures have been modernized, including a co-editor, emeritus editors and modifications on the editorial board. Now we are faced with the improvement of the indexation, with the aim of increasing the impact factor, but maintaining the quality and the diversity of articles, in such a way that the Revista de Patologia Tropical could still be useful for the diversity of our readers.

With acknowledgments to all that contributed with the credibility of this journal, in particular to authors, reviewers and readers, we expect that all these modifications will fulfill our main objective: our reader.


Goiânia, March, 2011.

Editorial Board, Revista de Patologia Tropical




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How to Cite

EDITORIAL, C. Editorial. Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology, Goiânia, v. 40, n. 1, 2011. DOI: 10.5216/rpt.v40i1.32103. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/32103. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

