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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The scientific contribution of the manuscript is original, inedited and must not be under consideration by other scientific journal.

  • The archives should be in Microsoft Word and should not pass 6MB.

  • The references should be on the style described in the instructions for authors section in the About the Journal section.

  • The e-mail address of all authors should be informed.

  • A letter signed by all authors containing their complete name and electronic address, stating that this manuscript has not been submitted to any other journal and accepting the transference of reproduction rights in all media formats to the Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology. Attach this document to the submission.

Author Guidelines

Authors Guidelines


Manuscripts should be sent to the Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology at the site: or by e-mail:

The manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word software version 2003 or later, Times New Roman, size 12, space 1.5 throughout the text and margins with at least 3cm.

The word limit is 4,500 with up to 6 insertions (figures and tables).


Original articles should have the following structure:

a) title

b) author (s) (up to 8 authors, maximum);

c) followed by ORCID identification number;

d) e-mail of the corresponding author;

e) scientific affiliation (department, institute, college, university, country), and

f) financing organ (if any);

g) abstract (with a maximum of 250 words);

h) key words (three to five);

i) introduction and objectives;

j) material and methods,

k) results;

l) discussion and conclusions

m) acknowledgments,

n) references

o) figures and tables with their legends.


Text citations: If the author’s name is part of a sentence use the following format:

a) with one author Dubey (2003),

b) with two authors: Borges & Mendes (2002) and more than two authors: Borges et al. (2007).


Otherwise, when the citation is at the end of the text if should be grouped first chronologically then alphabetically as follows:

a) one author followed by the year of publication, ex. (Dubey, 2003);

b) two authors followed by the year of publication, ex. (Borges & Mendes, 2002);

c) more than two authors, use the first author followed by et al., and the year of publication, ex. (Borges et al., 2007).


References should conform to the requirements used for manuscripts in biomedical journals (Consult:

The titles of the journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus.  Consult: http://www.ncbi. nlm.


References to abstracts, personal communications or any other non-indexed source such as thesis and dissertations are not accepted. Footnotes should be avoided. References should be presented in alphabetical order, numbered in ascending order, with input by the last name (s) of author (s).

When more than one work by the same author is cited, the citation should follow the chronological order of publication.


References examples:

a) article: Wilson M, Bryan RT, Fried JA, Ware DA, Schantz PM, Pilcher JB, Tsang VCW. Clinical evaluation of the cysticercosis enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot in patients with neurocysticercosis. J Infect Dis 164: 1007-1009, 1991.

b) journal article from the Internet: Figueredo RM, Leite C. The practical of precaution/ isolation from the medical diagnosis in infectious disease unit. Rev Eletr Enf 8: 358-362, 2006. Available at: Accessed at 01/12/2010.

c) book: Smith PG, Morrow RH. Field Trials of Health Interventions in Developing Countries: A Toolkit. OPAS. Washington, 1998.

d) book chapter: Prata A R. Mansonic Schistossomiasis. In: Veronesi R. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Guanabara-Koogan. Rio de Janeiro, 1991.

e) web site citation / guidelines or handbooks without authorship: World Health Organization. Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. New edition, Geneva, 2009. 160p. Available in: dengue-diagnosis.pdf/. Accessed in: 03/03/2015.


Other types of manuscripts other than original articles such as communications (notes), case reports and updates should not necessarily follow the structure described above.

Please consult similar article type previously published in the Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology.


The illustrations should be sent in a separate file and must meet the quality standards necessary to allow a good reproduction. Digital images, JPEG format, should be approximately 300 dpi resolution, 11 cm wide and should be designated as figure consecutively numbered, i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. in the text.


Tables should be executed on the same software used in the preparation of the text and should not exceed one page in length.

The color photographs will only be available in the online version of the Journal. The printed version of the photographs will be in black and white.

However if the authors opt for the colored version of the photographs also in the printed version the extra costs of the color offsets reproduction will be of the author’s responsibility.


Acceptance of the manuscript

The manuscripts will be accepted after compliance with all stages of processing.

All manuscripts will be submitted to qualified peer reviewers, please check the peer review process.


 Check list for submission of your manuscript 

  • Does your paper fall into the scope of Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology?
  • Have you prepared a cover letter explaining why you consider this manuscript suitable for publication in Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology? Have you listed all the e-mail addresses of all authors?
  • Have you identified potential reviewers whose e-mail addresses you can provide?
  • Have you included detailed descriptions of the statistical methods employed in your study?
  • Have non-standard abbreviations been defined in the text?
  • Your abstract should be in the appropriate format - up to 250 words.
  • The end of the introduction should include a brief statement of the intention of the paper (e.g., "We aimed to investigate the association of x with y."
  • Your discussion should start with a brief summary of your main findings. The discussion must include a section assessing the limitations of the study.
  • You have uploaded your ARTICLE file as an editable file (in a Wordfile or .doc or .docx). Any tables (maximum 1 page length each) also need to be included within the article file.
  • You have declared all funding sources and stated what their role was, in the financial disclosure field in our submission system. Please declare if there were any conflict of interests.
  • You have named in the Methods section of your paper the relevant institutional review board or research ethics committee that approved your study, and stated that informed consent was obtained from all participants.
  • Is your article written in English?
  • Article format must be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 space between lines. Maximum of 4500 words with up to six insertions (figures and tables).
  • Digital images must have an approximate resolution of 300dpi with 11cm of width and be designated as figure in the text.
  • Have you checked all citations in the text are duly referenced in the Reference section?


Ethics and mal practice policies

The Revista de Patologia Tropical /Journal of Tropical Pathology stimulates the good conducts in scientific research. All publications presume veracity and idoneity of the information registered by the authors. Therefore to avoid frauds and plagiarism in the manuscripts accepted to publication, all of them will be verified through a plagiarism detector software (

Editorial board:

The editorial board of The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology is composed by experts in transmissible disease agents and vectors in living beings and their public health consequences. The componenents of the editorial board as well as their affiliation are disclosed in the website of The Revista de Patologia Tropical /Journal of Tropical Pathology (

It is the editorial board responsibilty to act in an unbiased, objective and fair way, without discrimination of any kind such as gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors. The submissions for sponsored supplements or special issues will be handled equally as other submissions, so that articles are considered and accepted solely on their academic merit and without commercial influence after the peer review process. In case of complaints of an ethical or conflict nature all the procedures will be taken accordingly. Also, all authors will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond to any complaints. All complaints will be investigated no matter when the original publication is approved. Documentation associated with any such complaints will be retained.

The contact information of the Editorial office is found in


Authors and Authors responsibilities:

There are no fees or publication charges required for the manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology.

All manuscripts submitted to The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology are peer reviewed.

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.

The study described in the manuscript must have been performed according to ethical principles in animal experimentation, according to Brazilian Law 11.794/08 which establishes the procedures for the use of animals for experimentation and about the obligation of submitting every research project to the evaluation of ethics committees.

Conflict of interests must be declared. Authors should declare the presence of real or potential conflict of interests in personal or finantial relations with persons, institutions or organizations that may have influenced the outcome of the study.

When submitting a manuscript the authors imply that the study has not been published elsewhere nor is under consideration by other journal. Also that the final format has been approved by all authors and by the insitution responsible by its execution. The acceptance for publication implies that this study nor part of it will be published elsewhere without the consent of the authorship owner. All authors should manifest, by the corresponding author, consent about the submission and its contents, assuming knowledge of the Editorial Policy and Copyright Notice adopted by this journal (

The authors should ensure the originality of the manuscript, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, it must be appropriately cited or quoted. Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given.

It is the author's obligation to promptly notify the journal editor in case of discovery of a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.

A list of references and financial support should be estated at the end of the manuscript.

For research involving human participants, informed consent must have been obtained (or the reason for lack of consent explained, e.g. the data were analyzed anonymously) and all clinical investigation must have been conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. It must be stated in the Methods section of the paper whether informed consent was written or oral. If informed consent was oral, it must be stated in the paper: (a) why written consent could not be obtained, (b) how oral consent was documented.

The use of inclusive language is encouraged. Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, respect for all people, and promotes equal opportunities. Articles should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader, should contain nothing which might imply racism, sexism, or any other kind of prejudice or bias. Authors should make sure that writing is without bias, for example, by using 'he or she', 'his/her' instead of 'he' or 'his'.

Peer review process:

All manuscripts submitted to The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology will pass through a peer review, fair, unbiased, and timely process. This journal operates a double blind review process. Every manuscript is evaluated by at least two external independent reviewers. If necessary, the editor will seek a third reviewer opinion. The reviewers are chosen base on their expertise. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts.


Publication ethics:

Misconduct and unethical behaviour are widely discoureged and may be identified and brought to the attention of the editor and publisher at any time, by anyone. In such cases, evidence should be provided in order to allow an investigation. Every allegation will be considered and treated equally until a successful decision or conclusion is reached.



This journal  is under Creative Commons (CC) license. Copyright of the articles get transferred to Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology once the article has been accepted for publication.

After the acceptance of the manuscript the authors will be requested to send the Copyright agreement form signed by the corresponding author to the Editor  of the Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology agreeing to transfer copyright in all media and formats.

The Copyright agreement form is available at


Open Access:

The editorial policy of The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology is directly related to public efforts and resources. Therefore the Editorial board believes that all knowledge published belongs to humankind which has the right to share it and benefit from it. Hence The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology Editorial Board encourages the reproductin of its articles as long as the source is cited.



There is an electronic backup of all articles published in The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical performed by the Federal University of Goias library system. There is also a printed backup of all issues both in the Federal University of Goias Library and in the editorial office of The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology.


Acceptance of manuscripts 

All manuscripts will be submitted to an English language review. The authors will receive a pdf proof before final publication. The final publication will only take plaec after the singature of the copyright agreement form. 


Privacy Statement

 The names and addresses informed to this journal will be exclusively used to the services performed by this publication and, therefore, will not be available to other ends or parts.