About the Journal

 Scope and policy

The purpose of the Journal of Tropical Pathology is to disseminate knowledge in the field of transmissible disease agents and vectors in living beings and their public health consequences. The journal accepts original articles, short communications, case reports, updates and reviews written in English regarding human, animal or plant organisms, on topics of interest to the Tropical Patho-logy and Public Health fields.

This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose,  without requesting prior permission from the publisher or the author. There are no article processing fees.

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and published when they are accepted. The views expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board. Authors should disclose any conflict of interest regarding financial issues, personal or other relationships with people or organizations that might inappropriately influence the manuscript, or be understood as such. In order to avoid malpractice and following international recommendations on plagiarism, articles are submitted to the plagiarism editor for verification.

Manuscript submission must be accompanied by a letter signed by all the authors, stating their full names and e-mail addresses, confirming that the manuscript or part of it has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere (check model of letter and copyright transfer agreement). Submit with the manuscript the names and e-mail addresses of three potential reviewers. Note that the Editors retain the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers will be consulted.

Research involving humans or animals requires prior approval from the corresponding Ethics Committee.


Peer review process:

 All manuscripts submitted to The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology will pass through a peer review, fair, unbiased, and timely process. This journal operates a double blind review process. Every manuscript is evaluated by at least two external independent reviewers. If necessary, the editor will seek a third reviewer opinion. The reviewers are chosen base on their expertise. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts.


Publication schedule:

The Revista de Patologia Tropical/Journal of Tropical Pathology is published quarterly within a year.



Indexed by


Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS)
CAB Resumos 
Referativnyi Zhurnal (Rússia) (VINITI)
Diretório de Jornais de Acesso Aberto (DOAJ)
Banco de Dados de Parasitologia
Resumos Protozoológicos
Tropical Diseases Bulletin
Revisão de Entomologia Médica e Veterinária
Resumos sobre Higiene e Comunicáveis Doenças

