Cooperative Learning Environment in Teaching Mobile Application Development
The evolution in the formation of techniques in technological vocational education constitutes a series of pedagogical strategies that allow the learning, exercise, incentive and practice of students. The projects of interdisciplinary in the university aims to assist in learning the individual with the incentive of activities directed for collaborating with students in undergraduate. These projects are important for undergraduate courses in electrical engineering and computing engineering at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Sobral campus. With the main objectives of the project is to encourage the student to learn to academic growth. This article presents a case study developed by the project called the cooperative learning cell for the development of android applications, applied in groups of engineering students in the first and second semesters, using recent teaching methods aimed at learning, occurring in the period from September to December 2016. The main objective of the project was to promote the learning and sharing of knowledge about the programming content for mobile devices, aimed at the android operating system. In addition, it seeks to stimulate the student with more interactive content, applying examples and activities related to mobile programming that were related with the content of the engineering course or the labor market. After the group of students was created, nine meetings took place in each of them, the cooperative learning methodology was applied to the group, where the knowledge was generated through the interaction between two or more people, resulting in an active participation of the educational process. The classes were designed with a focus on content exposure, challenges and small projects to solve group tasks. In addition, professionals working in engineering companies in the northern region of Ceará were invited to give lectures to show the current situation of the labor market, focused on mobile applications. Evaluating the result over the course of the project.
Keywords: Educational incentive, Cooperation, Engineering Teaching, Android.
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