Novas vidas, novos desafios: acesso a serviços de violência por parceiro íntimo para mulheres imigrantes de língua portuguesa


  • Sepali Guruge Ryerson University
  • Margareth S. Zanchetta Ryerson University
  • Brenda Roche Wellesley Institute
  • Stephanie Pedrotti Lucchese Ryerson University



A viole?ncia por parceiro i?ntimo e? um problema global e mais comum sofrida pelas mulheres. Este estudo explorou barreiras aos servic?os de sau?de relacionadas a? viole?ncia por parceiro i?ntimo entre mulheres imigrantes de li?ngua portuguesa em Toronto, Canada?. Estudo explorato?rio de discusso?es em grupo com 12 mulheres imigrantes de li?ngua portuguesa. Os resultados esclarecem lutas enfrentadas pelas mulheres imigrantes e seus caminhos para cuidar e buscar ajuda. O medo de serem deportadas, a obtenc?a?o de evide?ncias de abuso e a falta de servic?os no idioma especi?fico foram as barreiras relatadas. Fe? e religia?o foram apontadas como fatores-chave no apoio a resilie?ncia das mulheres, quando disponi?veis os servic?os comunita?rios no idioma especi?fico. Enfermeiros que prestam assiste?ncia a?s mulheres que lidam com a viole?ncia por parceiro i?ntimo devem repensar o escopo de suas ac?o?es de defesa para abordar essas barreiras estruturais, construindo alianc?as com organizac?o?es para melhor servir e proteger as mulheres em situac?o?es vulnera?veis.


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Biografia do Autor

Sepali Guruge, Ryerson University

Sepali Guruge’s program of research focuses on the health of immigrants who constitute a significant proportion of urban communities in Canada.

Within this broader program of research, she has investigated a range of key health concerns including mental health, HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular health, tuberculosis, and interpersonal violence, in the context of the health inequities resulting from:

  • socio-economic marginalization
  • limited access to healthcare
  • education, employment, and language training
  • housing insecurity
  • unsafe neighbourhoods
  • racism and discrimination

Her research program connects these key local urban health concerns to those occurring at global levels. To this end, she has worked on a number of related projects with colleagues in several other countries.

Margareth S. Zanchetta, Ryerson University

Margareth Zanchetta teaches community health nursing. Her research program in Canada and Brazil explores health literacy under conditions of social marginalization and linguistic minorities as factors of social vulnerability, men’s health, and oncology nursing. She uses diverse qualitative methods of research in her studies in Brazil and Canada, with populations who speak English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Mentoring students in research is one of her major activities, responding to their requests for an opportunity to “learn by doing” with her. She mentored two teams of students who successfully earned the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada-Students for Development Grant (2008; 2011) for social development internships in Brazil. She is an Associate Member of RU- Centre for Global Health & Health Equity, Nursing Community of Practice – Research (Cancer Care Ontario), Collaborator Member, Research Group Migration et Ethnicité dans les Interventions de Santé et de Service social. She also collaborates with the Ontario Network of French-speaking health and social professionals. Zanchetta is an invited reviewer for several Canadian and international journals, as well as for grant agencies. Current activities include the development of the Canada-South-Central America Research Network on Men’s Health Promotion.

Brenda Roche, Wellesley Institute

Brenda Roche is Director of Research at the Wellesley Institute. She was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Anthropology and Health at the Gender, Violence and Health Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has an academic and community-based research experience exploring social and health issues in urban settings, including homelessness, sexual health, violence and psychological trauma and distress. Her doctorate, through the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, examined discourses on trauma that operate within the context of refugee resettlement, and how these influence health and social care practices for women (and their families) seeking political asylum in the United Kingdom.

Stephanie Pedrotti Lucchese, Ryerson University

Clinical Nurse Specialist in Mental Health and Addictions in an Innercity health hospital in Toronto, Canada. Currently completeing Masters in Nursing at Ryerson University.



Como Citar

Guruge S, Zanchetta MS, Roche B, Lucchese SP. Novas vidas, novos desafios: acesso a serviços de violência por parceiro íntimo para mulheres imigrantes de língua portuguesa. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 31º de dezembro de 2019 [citado 27º de julho de 2024];21:55653. Disponível em:



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