Imagem: Gato Menino entre Jasmins. 2024. Nanquin sobre papel Ecrisan 100% algodão. 19 X 33 cm. Fonte: da autora.  Autora: Angelina Polon Diagramação: Cátia Ana Baldoino da Silva  Imagem gentilmente cedida pela artista graduanda no Bacharelado em Artes Visuais na Faculdade de Artes Visuais/UFG (detalhe).

About the Journal

The Visualidades Journal is a continuous demand publication of the Posgraduate Program in Art and Visual Culture of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil,  with a volume per year. Its purpose is the publication and dissemination of original and unpublished works - in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French - dealing with issues related to culture, art, visuals and education, in the form of articles, dossiers, interviews, visual essays and reviews .

Current Issue

Vol. 22 (2024)
					View Vol. 22 (2024)

Editor-in-chief: Ana Lúcia Beck

Image: Cat Boy among Jasmines. 2024. Ink on 100% cotton Ecrisan paper. 19 X 33 cm. Source: from the author. 

Author: Angelina Polon

Layout: Cátia Ana Baldoino da Silva

Image kindly provided by the artist graduating from the Bachelor of Visual Arts at the Faculty of Visual Arts/UFG

Published: 2024-12-06


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