Moving Stones

‘Milhas pela Vida das Mulheres’: social organisations, art and the struggle for women’s reproductive rights in Brazil




Abortion, Activism, Feminism, Brazil, Women artists


Abortion policies in Brazil have historically been a stone in the path of women’s social emancipation. Until nowadays, there are few possibilities for safe and legal termination of pregnancy in the country. Even in cases authorised by law, conservative agents find ways to intervene and make difficult to women to exercise their reproductive rights. The persistent taboo status of abortion in Brazilian society made the theme not often addressed in the country’s contemporary art system. Therefore, the project ‘Milhas pela Vida das Mulheres’ is unique as it combines the support of women artists, who are also activists and sympathetic to feminist causes, to guarantee the right of abortion, by allowing ‘Milhas’ to sell fineart-prints from their works. Founded in September 2019, ‘Milhas’ is a mutual solidarity initiative that support people who want to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy in a safe and legal way, removing financial, logistical barriers, and the lack of information about the procedure. In the absence of support from the State, these networks of social practices help guaranteeing autonomy over one’s own body.


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How to Cite

TRIZOLI, T.; BORGHI, P. Moving Stones: ‘Milhas pela Vida das Mulheres’: social organisations, art and the struggle for women’s reproductive rights in Brazil. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 22, 2024. DOI: 10.5216/v.v22.78314. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


