The development of digital skills of teachers in the transiarte project for the education of working young people and adults


  • Gilberto Lacerda Santos University of Brasilia
  • Lucio França Teles University of Brasilia
  • Carolina Gracia Moreno Université of Poitiers
  • Mirian Sorolla Labrador University of Poitiers



Youth and Adult Education, Digital collaborative art, ICT competences


Transiarte is an educational research project developed with Youth and Adult Workers. It´s methodology is based on action research (BARBIER, 2002). The dropout rate among Youth and Adult Workers is high, reaching 75%. In this context, digital collaborative art is introduced as a motivating way to learn curricular subjects while those students develop competences in information and communication technologies. The participating teachers learned how to use new software during the project, while developing skills in other areas such as the use of the camera and the development of script for the production of video art.



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Author Biographies

Gilberto Lacerda Santos, University of Brasilia

Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Brasilia.

Lucio França Teles, University of Brasilia

Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Brasilia.

Carolina Gracia Moreno, Université of Poitiers

Researcher in media engineering for education

Mirian Sorolla Labrador, University of Poitiers

Researcher in media engineering for education


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How to Cite

LACERDA SANTOS, G.; FRANÇA TELES, L.; GRACIA MORENO, C. .; SOROLLA LABRADOR, M. . The development of digital skills of teachers in the transiarte project for the education of working young people and adults. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 19, 2022. DOI: 10.5216/v.v19.69024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


