New deadline CFP “The Aesthetics of Travels”


Attention! New deadline CFP “The Aesthetics of Travels”: December 31th, 2021.

CFP “The Aesthetics of Travels”

The Journal Visualidades calls for submission of papers to “The Aesthetics of Travels” dossier, concerning articles that address the relationship between travel and aesthetics. The different approaches to travel, in the processes of investigation and creation, open spaces for interdisciplinary dialogues between aesthetics and different fields of knowledge, in this case, the field of arts and visual culture. Aesthetics is the study of perceptions, experiences and other speculations. The practice of traveling encompasses the importance of nomadism, human culture, and the idea of Bildung (moral, intellectual, cultural, and artistic formation). Narratives on travel may come from Western written and oral tradition, such as Homer’s Odyssey, and film genres such as Westerns, Sci-fi, or Road trip cinema. Various genres of travel literature could include logbooks and texts that support learning about living a way that necessarily includes alterity. Traveling invokes a type of self-knowledge that is dislodged from the homeland and is connected to ritualistic aspects sustained through oral tradition, the extraordinary adventures of a people. Travel transmits knowledge about the world for future generations. Through the experience of distance and strangeness, traveling creates an authentic space for cosmological and philosophical investigations, exploration, nostalgia, and personal, collective, scientific, or territorial discoveries, above all. In these terms, the main objective of this dossier is to address the representation of travel and the imaginary in dialogue with the field of arts and visual culture.

We invite authors from various research areas to submit articles covering topics such as:

  • Migration aesthetics: assimilation, expatriation, transnationality, the condition of stateless persons and their visualities;
  • Trip records: maps, writings or logbooks (Reisenschriften);
  • Aesthetics and learning journeys, field trips, art and education (Bildungsreisen);
  • Different scales of imagining locality and globality;
  • Women on the road: movies, diaries, and narratives;
  • Road trip movies, Westerns, Sci-Fis;
  • Aesthetics, technics, and the mediatization of traveling;
  • Aesthetics, visualities and the tourism industry;
  • Images and remote travel;
  • The arts, visualities and great journeys: colonization, domination, oppression and liberation;
  • Forced voyages: slave ships, anti-colonial struggles and their visual representations;
  • Trips to the Brazilian Highland (Planalto Central): from the pioneer explorers Bandeirantes to modernist architecture;
  • The aesthetic experience of travel, changes in culture, memory, or personality;
  • Travel and the history of art. 

Submission deadline: December 31, 2021

We would like to kindly ask all authors to familiarize themselves with our guidelines. Only articles that meet the format should be submitted. All submitted articles are subject to double-blind reviews.

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