Pensando nas infâncias globais do projeto MiCreate: o papel das estratégias artísticas para mobilizar as subjetividades no devir




Infância global, Epistemologia, Estratégias artísticas, Infância emigrante


Este artigo participa da conversa iniciada no início desta década em publicações coletivas que propõem que a resposta que podemos dar na pesquisa sobre o que é uma criança ou infância é epistêmica, múltipla, contextual e política. A partir deste ponto de partida, o artigo explora diferentes perspectivas na pesquisa sobre as crianças e a infância. Além disso, apresenta uma abordagem da infância migrante a partir do projeto europeu MiCreate que revela, através de métodos artísticos, uma noção de infância e juventude migrante ligada a uma subjetividade móvel, global e situada.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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CARRASCO-SEGOVIA, Sara; HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. Cartografiar los afectos y los movimientos en el aprender corporeizado de los docentes. Movimento: Revista de Educação Física da UFRGS, 26: 1-14, 2020.

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DELEUZE, Gilles; GUATTARI, Felix. ¿Qué es la filosofía? Barcelona: Anagrama. 2006.

DUE, Clemence; RIGGS, Damien; AUGOUSTINOS, Martha. Research with children of migrant and refugee backgrounds: A review of child-centered research methods. Child Indicators Research, 7(1): p. 209–227, 2014.

DURÁN, Ernesto. Derechos de niños y niñas: Del discurso a la política local, Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 15(2): p. 879-891, 2017.

DUSSEL, Inés. Entrevista a Valerie Walkerdine “Hay una multiplicidad de infancias”. El Monitor de la Eduación, Revista del Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación, 10: p. 38-40, 2006.

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ESIN, Cigdem; SQUIRE, Corinne. Visual Autobiographies in East London: Narratives of Still Images, Interpersonal Exchanges, and Intrapersonal Dialogues. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14(2): Art. 1, 2013.

FRASER, Nancy. La justicia social en la era de la política de identidad: redistribución, reconocimiento y participación. Revista de Trabajo, 6: pp. 83-99, 2008.

GIBBONS, Andrew; PETERS, Michael A.; STEWART, Georgina Tuari; TESAR, Marek; BOLAND, Neil; JOHANSSON, Viktor; DE LAUTOUR, Nicky; DEVINE, Nesta; HOOD, Nina; STURM; Sean. Infantologies II: Songs of the cradle, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Published online: 02 May. 2021a.

GIBBONS, Andrew; PETERS, Michael A. ; DELAUNE, Andrea; JANDRIĆ, Petar; Sojot, Amy; KUPFERMAN, David; TESAR, Marek; JOHANSSON, Viktor; CABRAL, Marta; DEVINE, Nesta ; HOOD, Nina. Infantasies: An EPAT collective project. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53(14): 1442–1453, 2021b.

GREGORIOU, Zelia. Questioning the Location of Gender in Integration Discourses and Policies. In: Young Migrant Women in Secondary Education: Promoting Integration and Mutual Understanding through Dialogue and Exchange. Nicosia: University of Nicosia Press. 2011, p. 7-21.

HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. La cultura visual como estrategia que posibilita aprender a partir de establecer relaciones. Instrumento: R. Est. Pesq. Educ. Juiz de Fora, 14: p. 196–207, 2012.

HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. La investigación basada en las artes. Propuestas para repensar la investigación en educación. Educatio Siglo XXI, 26: p. 85-118, 2008.

HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando; CUADRA, Marina. Prácticas de archivo en torno a los imaginarios de la(s) infancia(s) en la fotografía artística contemporánea. Pulso. Revista de Educación, 41, p. 105–118, 2018.

HIGONNET, Anne. Pictures of Innocence: The History and Crisis of Ideal Childhood. London: Thames and Hudson. 1988.

JAMES, Allison; JENKS, Chris; PROUT, Alan. Theorising Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press. 1998.

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LIEBEL, Manfred. Los movimientos de los niños y niñas trabajadores. un enfoque desde la sociología”, Revista Política y Sociedad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 43(1): p.105-123. 2006.

MOSKAL Marta. Visual methods in researching migrant children’s experiences of belonging. Migrant Letters, 7(1): p. 17–32, 2010.

MOSKAL Marta. (2017). Visual methods in research with migrant and refugee children. In: LIAMPUTTONG, Pranee (ed.). Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Switzerland : Springer. 2017, p. 1-16.

MORROW, Virginia. Ethical dilemmas in research with children and young people about their social environments. Children’s Geographies, 6(1): p. 49–61, 2008.

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PETERS, Michael; WHITE, Jayne; TESAR, Marek; GIBBONS, Andrew ; ARNDT, Sonja; RUTANEN, Niina; Degotardi, Sheila; SALAMON, Andi; BROWNE, Kim; REDDER, Bridgette; CHARTERIS, Jennifer; GOULD, Kiri; WARREN, Alison ; DELAUNE, Andrea; KAMENARAC, Olivera ; HOOD, Nina; STURM, Sean. Infantologies. An EPAT collective writing project, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-19, 2020. 1–19.

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RIERA-RETAMERO, Marina; HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando; DE RIBAMAYORAL, Silvia; LOZANO-MULET, Paula; ESTALAYO-BIELSA, Paula. Los métodos artísticos como desencadenantes de subjetividades en tránsito de la infancia migrante: un estudio en escuelas públicas de Barcelona. Antípoda, Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 43: p.167-192. 2021.

STUARDO-CONCHA, Miguel; CARRASCO SEGOVIA, Sara; HERNÁNDEZHERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. Possibilities, Difficulties, Tensions and Risks in a Child-Centred Approach in Educational Research. In SEDMAK, Mateja; Hernández-Hernández, FERNANDO; SANCHO-GIL, Juana M.; GORNIK, Barbara (eds). Migrant Children’s Integration and Education in Europe Approaches, Methodologies and Policies. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2021, p.165-183.

TESAR, Marek. Philosophy as a method: Tracing the histories of intersections of ‘philosophy’, ‘methodology’ and ‘education. Qualitative Inquiry, 27(5), 544–553.2021.

TESAR, Marek; PETERS, Michael; WHITE, Jayne; CHARTERIS, Jennifer; DELAUNE, Andrea; THRAVES, Genevive; WESTBROOK, Fiona; DEVINE, Nesta; STEWART, Georgina. Infantilisations. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1–11. 2021a.

TESAR, Marek; RUIZ GUERRERO, Margarita; ANTTILA, Eeva; NEWBERRY, Jan; HELLMAN, John WALL, Anette; SANTIAGO-SAAMONG, Charla Rochella; BODÉN, Linnea; YU, Hui; NANAKIDA, Atsushi; DIAZ-DIAZ, Claudia; XU, Yuwei; TRNKA, Susanna; PACINI-KETCHABAW, Veronica; NXUMALO, Fikile; MILLIE, Zsuzsa; MALONE, Karen; ARNDT, Sonja. Infantographies, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2021b.

TESAR, Marek; PETERS, Michael; WHITE, Jayne; ARNDT, Sonja; CHARTERIS, Jennifer; FRICKER, Aleryk; JOHANSSON, Viktor; STURM, Sean; HOOD, Nina; MADJAR, Andrew. Infanticides: The unspoken side of infantologies. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1–15. 2021c.

TESAR, Marek; DUHN, Iris; NORDSTROM, Susan Naomi; KORO, Mirka; SPARRMAN, Anna ; ORRMALM, Alex; BOYCOTT-GARNETT, Ruthie; MACRAE, Christina ; HACKETT, Abigail; KUNTZ, Aaron M.; TRAFÍ-PRATS, Laura ; RAUTIO, Pauliina; BOLDT, Gail; ULMER, Jasmine B.; LENZ TAGUCHI, Hillevi; MURRIS, Karin; KOHAN, Walter Omar; GIBBONS, Andrew; ARNDT, Sonja; MALONE, Karen. Infantmethodologies, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-18, 2021d. Published online: 15 Diciembre.

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YELLAND, Nicola; PETERS, Lacey; FAIRCHILD, Nikki; TESAR, Marek; SALAZAR PÉREZ, Michelle (eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods. Newcastle-uponTyne, United Kingdon: Sage. 2021.




Como Citar

HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, F. Pensando nas infâncias globais do projeto MiCreate: o papel das estratégias artísticas para mobilizar as subjetividades no devir. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 21, 2023. DOI: 10.5216/v.v21.72343. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Dossiê Infâncias Contemporâneas, Arte e Pedagogias Culturais