BIO079 Oligopeptidases B and C from trypanosomatids as therapeutic targets for natural products


  • Ivan de Oliveira Pereira
  • José Roberto de Sousa Filho
  • Thamyris Reis Moraes
  • Diego Magno Assis
  • Alexandre Tourino Mendonça
  • Luis Vitor Silva do Sacramento
  • Marcos José Marques


Infections caused for trypanosomatids represent one of the biggest problems of world-wide public health, with high endemicit over all in developing countries. The drugs of choice for the treatment of these parasitisms, general way, cause well-known renal and cardiac toxicity, beyond inducing resistance in the parasite and many times to present insufficient effectiveness.


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PEREIRA, I. de O.; FILHO, J. R. de S.; MORAES, T. R.; ASSIS, D. M.; MENDONÇA, A. T.; DO SACRAMENTO, L. V. S.; MARQUES, M. J. BIO079 Oligopeptidases B and C from trypanosomatids as therapeutic targets for natural products. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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