FTOX009 Effects of NO/cGMP inhibitors in a rat model of anaphylactic shock
Anaphylaxis has been defined as an acute syndrome, being the most severe clinical manifestation of allergic diseases. Many substances can mediate the anaphylactic shock. Among these substances, the histamine, the main secretory product of basophils and mast cells, induces nitric oxide (NO) release and the consequent cardiovascular manifestations observed in anaphylactic shock. The compound 48/80 (C48/80) can be used to induce anaphylactic shock since it promotes histamine release.Downloads
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FAGUNDES, A. A. S. A.; CARVALHO, M. T. M.; FERREIRA, L. G.; SILVEIRA, A. P. C.; CAPELLINI, V. K.; EVORA, P. R. B.; CELOTTO, A. C. FTOX009 Effects of NO/cGMP inhibitors in a rat model of anaphylactic shock. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, 2012. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/REF/article/view/21877. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.
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