BIO010 In vitro effects of extracts of sea anemones on the DNA of human lymphocytes.


  • Amanda Ribeiro Barroso
  • Mateus William Faria Eleutério
  • Marcus Vinicius Cardoso Trento
  • Lázara Romero
  • Silvana Marcussi


Sea anemones produce toxins such as hemolysins, neurotoxins and other enzymes that induce various effects such as cardiotoxicity, dermatitis, itching, local swelling, erythema, paralysis, pain and necrosis. Some toxins isolated from Anemonia, Stichodactyla, Anthopleura and Bunodosoma sea anemone genera are active on ion channels and receptors, acting on the central nervous system and on immune-mediated responses. Thus, sea anemones are promising sources of molecular models of medical-scientific interest, but the possible action of their toxins on the mammalian genome has not yet been reported.


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Como Citar

BARROSO, A. R.; ELEUTÉRIO, M. W. F.; TRENTO, M. V. C.; ROMERO, L.; MARCUSSI, S. BIO010 In vitro effects of extracts of sea anemones on the DNA of human lymphocytes. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 out. 2024.



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